
Showing posts from February, 2021

Data and marketing - A dream duo?

When I first started off my career as a database administrator, or now modernly known as a database marketer, I had no idea of the effect data would have in the world 8 years from then. At the time, I did not realise the value of data in almost everything today. Data drives most of my decisions, and it should be driving yours too. To me, it is one of the best methods of delivering personalised experiences to your customers.. This is because you’re looking at information that shows and confirms what your customers are doing online. Data driven marketing is taking the basic questions of who, what, when, where and delivering actionable answers. It can be something like this - A customer purchasing a new pair of jeans on your website. That customer landed there by clicking on an Instagram post about your offer on the new range of jeans. The customer was on their bus journey home from work at 6:30pm through an ios device. With data driven marketing you will get the information and in this s...