
Showing posts from July, 2020


Branding. One of the main reasons I fell in love with marketing. It was very interesting to me how a swoosh on a pair of Nike shoes was able to deliver experiences vs a shoe without one. Interacting with these types of products or services gives us an experience and with that in mind, we tend to make a buying decision. That, to me, is the effect a brand can have on your customers. Often, a brand is not what you say it is, but what your audience say it is. Don't associate the term brand with just one thing like the experience, but rather, what goes into developing that experience. A brand experience could be something like this. A customer who watches an advert on YouTube (and does not click the "Skip Ad" button, yup they exist,) interacting with a member of staff at the store (who believes in the value of the brand as well,) the product packaging, perhaps a personalised note in the product a birthday wish via email that includes a 10% discount off their p...