
Data and marketing - A dream duo?

When I first started off my career as a database administrator, or now modernly known as a database marketer, I had no idea of the effect data would have in the world 8 years from then. At the time, I did not realise the value of data in almost everything today. Data drives most of my decisions, and it should be driving yours too. To me, it is one of the best methods of delivering personalised experiences to your customers.. This is because you’re looking at information that shows and confirms what your customers are doing online. Data driven marketing is taking the basic questions of who, what, when, where and delivering actionable answers. It can be something like this - A customer purchasing a new pair of jeans on your website. That customer landed there by clicking on an Instagram post about your offer on the new range of jeans. The customer was on their bus journey home from work at 6:30pm through an ios device. With data driven marketing you will get the information and in this s...

How to attract customers to your (online) business.

Being in marketing, I always get asked ‘how do you attract customers?’ (usually from sales people). This is a question I receive a lot and my point of view may be diverse.  I believe there is more value in building relationships first. Why relationships? Because relationships are built on trust and that’s where the value is created and nurtured.  The industry your business is in plays a major role in determining your target audience and how to attract them. For example, doctors, civil engineers, and contractors are different from travel agents, insurance advisors. B elow, I’m going to look at a few methods that could help you attract customers to your business in any industry. As it goes without saying, businesses already have a clear understanding of their target audience. But recognising the difference between your online and offline prospects is important. Understanding what your customers want is how you can create a positive customer experience which in turn leads to a p...

How to leverage the power of social media

I always encourage companies to have a presence on social media and oftentimes I get a fazed reply as to why they don't think it's that important. Granted, it is time consuming, you can't really measure a return on investment, and it's a crowded space to be in. I believe social media is important because of its reach, its massively diverse audience and the ease in which you can engage with people (to name a few). That, to me, is why you should use social media to your advantage. That's where schades steps in - we're here to take a look at how you can use social media to grow your business, enhance your existing social media strategy to target customers or to even access new markets. Today, it's very difficult to just buy a product or service without looking at reviews or seeing how other users rate the brand first. Having said this, work on how you can build trust on the platforms. All the content on your profiles should aim to be engaging, unique, relatable...


Branding. One of the main reasons I fell in love with marketing. It was very interesting to me how a swoosh on a pair of Nike shoes was able to deliver experiences vs a shoe without one. Interacting with these types of products or services gives us an experience and with that in mind, we tend to make a buying decision. That, to me, is the effect a brand can have on your customers. Often, a brand is not what you say it is, but what your audience say it is. Don't associate the term brand with just one thing like the experience, but rather, what goes into developing that experience. A brand experience could be something like this. A customer who watches an advert on YouTube (and does not click the "Skip Ad" button, yup they exist,) interacting with a member of staff at the store (who believes in the value of the brand as well,) the product packaging, perhaps a personalised note in the product a birthday wish via email that includes a 10% discount off their p...

Marketing in simple terms

Hi there, Hope you're having a great day! I decided on this basic blog post because I have heard so many people say 'I don't know anything about marketing' which I think is untrue. Any one who talks about a product, service or even an experience with a brand is marketing. Coming closer to an organisational setting, internally there's always going to be the rift between sales and marketing. Sales teams always expect more leads from the marketers and the marketing team expects the salesperson to sell better. But marketing isn't only for generating leads. Fundamentally, I believe marketing is the process of attracting customers to your brand. Marketing doesn't stop there though and there's so much more to it. Any action to create a relationship with a customer is marketing. Networking at events, thank you emails, webinars, meetings with clients, lunch and learns, social media posts, blog articles, websites, Facebook pages, etc. All these come...